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Written by editors
Love in wartime. During the colonial war in Indonesia 1946-1949, Dutch soldiers maintained extensive contacts with Indonesian girls. Often they fathered children as a result of their ‘war romances’. Many of these warlovechildren never met their fathers. They kept looking for them all their lives and would like to get in touch. Is there any family in the Netherlands? Fathers also decide, sometimes after sixty years, to search for their withheld children. And children of Dutch marriages may want to meet their unknown Indonesian half brother or half sister.
Are you looking for a father, warlovechild, half brother or half sister? Or are you curious to read the stories of others?
See the quests in Your Search or start a quest yourself. In Information you can read how to undertake a personal search yourself. For stories about love and war, go to:
Warlovechildren in the Netherlands | Warlovechildren in Indonesia | Daddy Soldiers | Family & kin | Soldiers Sweethearts in Indonesia | Soldiers in love | Persevering lovers |
Andrea van 't Oostende artikel in Tubantia |
Stories -
Warlovechildren in the Netherlands
Written by redactie
There are no translations available.
In het dagblad Tubantia is een ontroerend interview verschenen met oorlogsliefdekind Andrea. Het artikel is hier online te lezen. Andrea deed al in 2010 voor het eerst haar verhaal op deze website: 'Ik vind Oorlogsliefdekind een mooie naam'

We hebben de tekst van het interview in de Tubantia ook hieronder geplaatst, voor degenen die het liever via onze website lezen:'Militaire vader wilde oorlogskind Andrea niet erkennen'. Je kunt verder lezen door 'Lees meer' aan te klikken.
A match for Conny Latoel? |
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Written by Annegriet Wietsma
December 2019 Marion calls the editors of Oorlogsliefdekind. On this website she has read the story of Conny Latoel, who is looking for her father, the military Harry or Arie Willems or Willemse. Conny Latoel's post immediately reminded her of her father-in-law. It wouldn't be true, would it? Could her father-in-law be Conny's father?
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Written by Oorlogsliefdekind
There are no translations available.
Deze reactie kwam bij ons binnen naar aanleiding van een artikel over ons boek Liefde in tijden van Oorlog in de glossy Pinda, een eenmalige uitgave van Indische Nederlanders in Nederland, dat uitkwam in september 2019.
Het bij ons ingezonden bericht luidt:
Ben het niet eens met ‘liefdeskind’!! Vaak zijn die kinderen gemaakt door soldaten die hun geilheid kwijt moesten bij de Indonesische vrouwen. En niet ‘uit liefde’ voor die vrouwen!! Zo ook mijn vader, die ‘geilde’ op een Indonesisch meisje van 16 jaar. Dat ‘liefdeskind’ ??? ben ik dus. Heb mijn biologische vader gevonden toen ik 33 jaar oud was. Toch nog wel 26 jaar intensief contact gehad. Hij ook toe dat het schering en inslag was en er wel honderden Hollandse kindjes gemaakt zijn toentertijd!! Dus laten we het niet over ‘liefdeskinderen’ hebben.
Die ‘ene keer’ was misschien wel meer |
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Family & kin
Written by Janet Booij
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Het verhaal van Janet Booij over haar opa
Mijn opa, Arend Seine Booij, was Indiëveteraan. Om wat meer over zijn diensttijd te weten te komen, heb ik met veel veteranen gesproken. En heb kennis gemaakt met de zwijgcultuur onder hen. Een enkeling was erg open over het geweld in Indonesië, de meesten sloegen dicht als je er te rechtstreeks naar vroeg. De omgang met vrouwen lijkt, zo mogelijk, nog gevoeliger te liggen. Wanneer ik een veteraan die mijn opa gekend heeft mijn vermoedens over een kindje van hem in Indonesië voor leg, legt hij bij ons afscheid zijn vingers op zijn lippen. Hij zal mijn vermoedens met niemand delen.
(foto: Arend Booij is derde persoon van links)
How only an aunt seems to know all the answers
Stories -
Warlovechildren in Indonesia
Written by redactie
The story of Eduardine Geers (Ibu Ditty)
interviewed by Annegriet Wietsma, story written by Inge Manoch
In 2011 Ditty receives a birthday card from her aunt. Finally, finally, she sees for the first time a picture of the man who is her biological father, the Dutch military Eddy Geers. Why all this secrecy, why has it taken so long before Ditty cameto see this picture?
Two service buddies and one child |
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Warlovechildren in the Netherlands
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
The story of Veronique Dudek about her father Mart Moors
Our grandfather Martin was a military in the Dutch Indies. He and my grandmother went regularly for reunions of veterans. At one of those meetings my grandmother seems to have shouted to a man: “You have left your child in Indonesia”. It became a real hassle, because a lot of people were sitting around them. Why reacted she so upset, and who was that man she was so angry with? Was it just someone of whom she knew he had left a secret child behind? Or was it perhaps Jan Muller, the biological father of our father?
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Warlovechildren in the Netherlands
Written by redactie
Unfortunately for Anne-Marie the family that she finally got in touch with because they responded to her call on this website, are not her relatives (see her story ‘A coffin full of secrets in the wardrobe’ and the continuation of her quest in ‘Another family reunion?’ ). The meeting with Jos and Willemien Kruger was nice, cozy and exciting. And there are certainly similarities in their physiognomy. But apart from that, there were few clues. A DNA test eventually had to give a definite answer, and the test proved negative. There is no match. So ‘back to the start’, as Anne-Marie feels it. Despite this disappointment, she is happy that she met the family. It was a special experience that she did not want to have missed. She is in peace with the results and enjoys life. And: there is always another chance to a new post, as she says.
The hormones poured out of their ears |
Stories -
Family & kin
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
The quest of a son to his half-brother or sister
After my father died, I found between pictures of his military service two portraits of a young Indonesian woman, one of her alone and one with a baby. The sizes of these pictures really differ from other photographs from that time. They fit easily in a man's wallet. Since then, the question keeps me busy: who is this woman, who apparently was so rewarding that my father kept her pictures all these years? And who is the child? Is it his child? Do I have an unknown half-brother or sister?
My brother was so startled that he hung up the phone |
Stories -
Family & kin
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
About eight years ago my brother got a telephone call by a woman who was looking for our father. She said she was fathered by him when he was stationed in Indonesia as a soldier. My brother was so shocked, that he did not ask any further and stopped the phone call. But immediately thereafter he went to my father to ask about this matter. My father confirmed nor denied. He just said that he did not want to be remembered to those days in the army. And my brother had to promise that he would never talk about the phonecall while my father was alive. He was not even allowed to inform us, his sister and brother. My father made him promise that he would not try and figure out anything anymore. My brother promised.
Wat wij voor elkaar kunnen betekenen.
Sir Daddy for sale!
The documentary Sir Daddy (Tuan Papa) about warlovechildren, their fathers and their mothers is available on DVD. Order it here for only € 14.95!
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Do you recognise yourself in these stories? Would you like to add something?
Anyone who would like to add a story - with or without attribution - is welcome on this website. The site is open to anyone whith stories about fathers and children in times of war in early Indonesia.