Another successful quest! |
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Written by redactie
Warlovechild José has found her father. It indeed appeared to be the Dutch veteran who was detected in 2009, but denied any possibility of being the father. A DNA test in November 2012 finally gave certainty. Two weeks later José and her husband were permitted to visit her father. His wife and daughter were also there. In the photo albums of her fathers military period in the Dutch Indies José recognized her mother on several pictures. José: “I am so relieved! My mother has spoken the truth. That is very important to me. Perhaps this was the one and only meeting with my father, I don’t know. It is now up to them to get in touch with me another time. But my quest is completed. This gives a tremendous peace of mind.”
You can read a report of José's quest on this website: ‘Another happy end of a search?’.
You can also read Jose’s complete story on this website: Category ‘Warlovechildren in the Netherlands’. Title: ‘The only thing I know for sure is that I’m a child of a Dutch soldier’. |
A closet full of souvenirs from the Netherlands |
Stories -
Warlovechildren in Indonesia
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
The story of warlovechild Lenny
While Lenny tells her story, every now and then her eyes fill with tears. Her house in Jakarta is full of memorabilia from the Netherlands: the famous Delft Blue kissing Volendam couple, the colored wooden tulips in a Delft Blue vase, a coffee cup with Amsterdam canal houses painted on it, Delft Blue plates on the wall with windmills or an Islamic text in Arabic script. Even the studio photo, shot in an old-fashioned Volendam kitchen in Volendam traditional clothes, is not lacking. But the looks of her own father are unknown to Lenny.
The maid was in fact her mother |
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Warlovechildren in Indonesia
Written by redactie Oorlogsliefdekind
On a hot and rainy afternoon in February 2012, Jenny Dotulong and her husband receive us (Yanuar Siddhartha from Indonesia and Annegriet Wietsma from the Netherlands, who visits Jakarta for two weeks) in their hospitable house in Jakarta Pusat. Jenny, beautician, tells us her life story. The couple Dotulong married in 1969. From this marriage four children were born. Meanwhile, the family is also rejoiced with the birth of two grandchildren. But Jenny knows almost nothing about her own parents.
Tuan Papa in CineMasia filmfestival |
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Written by Jean Hellwig
Saturday 7 April 2012 the documentary Tuan Papa will be screened in the CineMasia Filmfestival in Amsterdam.
Location: De Balie, Kleine Gartmanplantsoen, Amsterdam
The screening will start at 1:00 pm.
The film will be screened with English subtitles! Director Annegriet Wietsma is present to answer questions from the audience. Join us! |
Visiting our half-sister Edwina in Indonesia! |
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Written by Gerda de Haan
Dear all,
I would like to share with you that we visited our half-sister Edwina and her children and grandchildren in Indonesia. Last year we heard of each other’s existence for the first time. We combined this very exciting meeting with a holiday in Indonesia. The last four days of our holiday we stayed at home with Edwina, which was fun. All in all, we know each other pretty well now.
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Written by Jean Hellwig
During the filming of the documentary Sir Daddy we were looking for Pak Mulyadi. He was supposed to be a child of a Dutch soldier. We knew that years ago he worked as a guard at the tea plantation of Pekalongan in West Java. My sister Tineke Hellwig, an Indonesian linguist, had interviewed him once for a different study. During that interview he had mentioned by chance that his father was a Dutch soldier. They never heard from him. According to the notes of my sister, Pak Mulyadi remembered the name of his father as ‘Permil’. A very strange name.
On our arrival at the plantation we quickly learned that Pak Mulyadi was deceased a few years earlier. But his son and his old mother, who once had been the lover of a Dutch soldier, were happy to receive us. It was an interesting interview with the grandson acting as the interpreter for his grandmother, who only spoke Sundanese and barely Indonesian. At one point we asked for the name of the Dutch grandfather. The name was unfortunately forgotten. But when we mentioned ‘Permil’ the conversation took an unexpected and emotional turn...
{youtube}ocqPWOQC2uI{/youtube} |
Reporting the quest of Andrea van 't Ostende |
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Warlovechildren in the Netherlands
Written by Andrea van 't Oostende
(Also read Andrea's personal story: I like the term Warlovechild)
Dear people of the Warlovechild,
I will try to tell you how I came to know about the history of my father. As descibed in ‘stories’, I only knew his name. Luckily I knew the name of my half brother, whom I contacted. Through him I got my father's name and birth date.
Radio Gelderland - Jan van Ewijk |
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Written by Jean Hellwig
On Tuesday, October 11, the Radio Gelderland broadcaster has focused on Warlovechild. Jan van Ewijk, who has been searching for his two half sisters for long, was invited for an interview. Read more on the website of Radio Gelderland. Once we receive a link to the transmission, we will post it here as soon as possible.
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Written by FIOM
Dear Warlovechild team,
With utmost interest the FIOM Ambulatory Foundation has followed the news on the website of Warlovechild from the start. FIOM can perhaps help people, both warlovechildren as well as Dutch veterans or their Dutch children, in their quests with general assistance and support.
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Written by Jean Hellwig
Anna Montan and Patrick Lauwerends wrote the title song for our documentary Sir Daddy (Tuan Papa). The lyrics are sung in Dutch and Indonesian with a catchy melody in an atmospheric arrangement. The two have released a cd called CINTA that contains our song. Read more about this on .
Listen to our title song here. {mp3}titelsongtuanpapa-podcasting{/mp3}
Wat wij voor elkaar kunnen betekenen.
Sir Daddy for sale!
The documentary Sir Daddy (Tuan Papa) about warlovechildren, their fathers and their mothers is available on DVD. Order it here for only € 14.95!
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Do you recognise yourself in these stories? Would you like to add something?
Anyone who would like to add a story - with or without attribution - is welcome on this website. The site is open to anyone whith stories about fathers and children in times of war in early Indonesia.