Information -
The Book
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
There are no translations available.
Het gaat goed met het boek. We zijn al bijna door de eerste druk heen!
Ook zin in een mooi leesboek voor tijdens de koude wintermaanden? Ons boek Liefde in tijden van oorlog is uit! Na twee jaar intensieve research, en gebaseerd op de verhalen van de oorlogsliefdekinderen, hun vaders, moeders en halfbroers en -zussen. De aangrijpende verhalen van de soldatenkinderen, van hun moeders en hun verwekkers, over seks en het Nederlandse leger in Indië, liefde en verlangen, wanhopige zoektochten en teleurstellende afwijzingen, en ontknopingen waarbij hoogbejaarde veteranen hun oorlogsliefdekind in de armen sluiten.
Op zoek naar een cadeau voor anderen of jezelf?
Nu in de boekhandel, voor € 19,95 Uitgeverij Boom, 356 pagina's, ISBN 978 94 6105 520 0 Auteurs: Annegriet Wietsma & Stef Scagliola |
Blog -
Written by Henk van Nus
To all who have contributed to or are interested in the outcome of
the quest of Tetty Sahusilawane to her father:
please read this article.
I have two birth certificates |
Stories -
Warlovechildren in the Netherlands
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
The story of Warlovechild Rika Jones.
'Until I was 21 I did not know better than that I was born in April 1948 in Semarang, Java, as a child of mother Menkel. Only when I went to emigrate to America from the Netherlands an older half-sister told me that I’m actually born in Padang on Sumatra, as a child of a Chinese mother and a Dutch soldier. My biological mother had three Chinese children and I looked so different, that she was forced to give me away.
I was shaking in my seat, with the letter in my hands |
Stories -
Daddy soldiers
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
The story of veteran Bas about his daughter Rose
'A year ago I received a letter from the FIOM (organisation that helps reunite family members). My daughter was looking for me. That was a bolt from the blue. I was shaking in my seat, with the letter in my hands. Pictures and everything was in it. I was devastated. I knew everything was true, I recognized it all. It was so obvious, it was not necessary at all to ask for a DNA-test.
All of a sudden he was gone |
Stories -
Soldiers sweethearts in Indonesia
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
The story of mother A. about the sudden disappearance of her lover Bas
I worked as a nurse in the Navy Hospital in Surabaya. There I got to know B., a marine man who worked in the hospital. It was not exactly love at first sight. It has grown. You think: cute boy. I started to like him. We started dating. Eating together, dancing in the Marines canteen. Eventually nothing more than that, it was just fun. I got pregnant. That was how it went in those days, getting pregnant was part of the risk. But suddenly he was gone.
Hooray, we have have been granted a subsidy! |
Blog -
Written by redactie
Good news. The V-fund (National Fund for Peace, Freedom and Veterans Care) has given us a support grant to cover some of the costs of the hosting of this website. We also receive donations from readers and devotees regularly. We are very happy with this support. The next step is to find financial injections to translate the website into Indonesian in order to make the jump to Indonesia, so that the warlovechildren living in Indonesia can read and respond to this site and start their searches for family. Your donations are still needed and welcome. This can be done via the DONATE button in the right column on this website.
Request for your financial support |
Blog -
Written by Oorlogsliefdekind
Dear readers and users,
We, the three founders of the project ‘Warlovechild’, will have to finance the maintenance of this website out of our own pockets from January 2013 onwards.
If everyone who cares about the project helps us to pay the necessary expenses, we can keep this website online.
How can you help us financially?
The History Online Audience Award: Warlovechild in Top-10 |
Blog -
Written by redactie
The History Online Audience Award is awarded annually to the best historical site of the past year.
Tuesday 12 February the final winner will be announced. We thank you all for your support.
Trailer documentary Tuan Papa (Sir Daddy) |
In the news -
In the news
Written by Jean Hellwig
The 80 minutes documentary Tuan Papa (or: Sir Daddy), loaded with touching stories and breathtaking archive material, is available on dvd with English subtitles.
Order the dvd here.
Open letter from Johnny to his unknown father and family |
Blog -
Written by Oorlogsliefdekind
Dear Father, if you are still alive, please read the following notice: Your blood flows through my veins. Maybe we are lookalikes, maybe not You abandoned me, cold and in poverty. Now, years later, we surely are different in our attitude: I will never leave my descendants like you did. Probably you don’t feel remorse. That’s the reason why I can not carry your name
Wat wij voor elkaar kunnen betekenen.
Sir Daddy for sale!
The documentary Sir Daddy (Tuan Papa) about warlovechildren, their fathers and their mothers is available on DVD. Order it here for only € 14.95!
Recent additions to searches
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Dan zijn wij (verre) familie!
Ik heb een aantal jaren geleden de stamboom vredelijk uitgekauwd en ...
(Monday, 17 February 2025)
Hallo Patricia,
Is deze info je bekend?
Louis Gustave trouwde met Henriette Catharina Formans te ...
(Sunday, 29 December 2024)
Mijn overgrootvader Louis Gustave Lemette geboren 1898 te Surabaya waar hij boekhouder was.
hij tr...
(Wednesday, 27 November 2024)
Helaas.. wij ook nog niet, maar we zoeken nog door..
Hendrikus sophinus van Honk
(Tuesday, 26 November 2024)
Dit is de naam van mijn vader. Roepnaam Henk. Mijn e-mailadres is
(Friday, 22 November 2024)
Hallo allemaal,
Ik ben op zoek naar de kinderen van mijn opa Gijs(bert) Enders. Mijn opa wilde e...
(Monday, 11 November 2024)
Ik woon in Padang en heb de afgelopen maanden veel foto's gezien van Nederlandse politieacties van ...
(Thursday, 07 November 2024)
Ik heb geen antwoord o je vraag, maar wellicht wel iets om verder te zoeken. Zie de website http://...
Do you recognise yourself in these stories? Would you like to add something?
Anyone who would like to add a story - with or without attribution - is welcome on this website. The site is open to anyone whith stories about fathers and children in times of war in early Indonesia.