Open letter from Johnny to his unknown father and family |
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Written by Oorlogsliefdekind
Dear Father, if you are still alive, please read the following notice: Your blood flows through my veins. Maybe we are lookalikes, maybe not You abandoned me, cold and in poverty. Now, years later, we surely are different in our attitude: I will never leave my descendants like you did. Probably you don’t feel remorse. That’s the reason why I can not carry your name
You don’t have to be ashamed for me, or to hide. I'm a grownup guy and I forgot to cry for years. If you are not alive anymore, please look secretly to me from where you are... maybe I became the persoon that you wanted To my unknown family D.J. Bunck. Dear family members, my relatives, should you accidentally read this writing Be sure it is a sincere expression of a ‘non recognized’ product, a secret child:
Years and day, I searched for you. Perhaps you do not know of my existence, and perhaps have don’t feel the need to. I respect your position and I promise you that in the next five thousand years I will not bother you anymore. But I have one small request and demand, in all humility: Please send me a picture of my father DJ Bunck. You don’t have to leave your address on the envelop. Don’t even waste money for the stamp, I will pay you back for every expense you made. My thanks in advance will be grandiose.
You can read the story of Johnny on this website in the Category Warlovechildren in the Netherlands: My mother rubbed my hair with shoe polish. |
Wat wij voor elkaar kunnen betekenen.
Sir Daddy for sale!
The documentary Sir Daddy (Tuan Papa) about warlovechildren, their fathers and their mothers is available on DVD. Order it here for only € 14.95!
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