Warlovechild is an initiative of Annegriet Wietsma, Stef Scagliola and Jean Hellwig. It is a non-commercial project collecting the stories of Dutch soldiers who fathered children in Indonsia during the colonial war (1946-1949), their Indonesian children and the Indonesian mothers who once loved a Dutch military and got pregnant, being left behind after the Dutch army returned back home. Our aim is to collect, record and archive their stories and help them or their relatives in their search for each other.
Founders and editors:
Stef Scagliola (research)
AnnegrietWietsma (research and interviews)
Jean Hellwig (producer)
Editorial address:
Hellwig Productions Audiovisuals Zeeburgerpad 53 1019 AB Amsterdam
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Annegriet Wietsma, Warlovechild, +31.020 737 1733
Website construction & hosting:
DesignServer Marco Legemaate René de Ree
Stefan Hamelberg, The Website Story
Panoramic photograph:
The he panoramic image used for this site (Panorama of Java Sea, Panjang Island, Banten Bay, Java and Sunda Strait) was taken by photographer and diver Kevin Denlay. For more information see this link.
Warlovechild is developed under the projects 'Tuan Papa: daddy soldiers’ and ‘Tuan Papa: warlovechildren’ and is made possible by a contribution of the program Legacy of the War of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
The producer wishes to thank the following persons and institutions for their support, cooperation, contributions and photos:
Andere Tijden, Veterans Checkpoint Journal, Edit Point Postproduction, Teunisjan and Jan van Ewijk, Jan Hagen, Jet Homoet, Ludo Keeris, Henk Schulte-Nordholt, Tong Tong Festival, L. de Waal, Dook Ypma.
