Visiting our half-sister Edwina in Indonesia! |
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Written by Gerda de Haan
Dear all,
I would like to share with you that we visited our half-sister Edwina and her children and grandchildren in Indonesia. Last year we heard of each other’s existence for the first time. We combined this very exciting meeting with a holiday in Indonesia. The last four days of our holiday we stayed at home with Edwina, which was fun. All in all, we know each other pretty well now.
We also paid a visit to the Homann Hotel in Bandung, where our father "Daddy Eddie" used to play in the military band "Sweet Seventeen" in those days. Because there is little change to the interior there, it seemed as if we had arrived back in ancient times and it took me a lot to know that my father played here. We also visited the pool behind the hotel, where "it" all began. Wanda (Edwina's mother) and my father have met each other there. In short, it was a memorable holiday and we'll definitely be back.
Good luck with your beautiful work and warm greetings!
Gerda de Haan
(For background information on Gerda and Edwina, read the categories Stories – Family & kin: ‘Out of the blue another sister’ and Stories - Warlovechildren in Indonesia: ‘I can see now that my son looks like my father’). |
Wat wij voor elkaar kunnen betekenen.
Sir Daddy for sale!
The documentary Sir Daddy (Tuan Papa) about warlovechildren, their fathers and their mothers is available on DVD. Order it here for only € 14.95!
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