Dear Warlovechild team,
With utmost interest the FIOM Ambulatory Foundation has followed the news on the website of Warlovechild from the start. FIOM can perhaps help people, both warlovechildren as well as Dutch veterans or their Dutch children, in their quests with general assistance and support.
Social workers of the FIOM assist people with their (inter)national searches who (consider to) look for their biological parents(s), children or other relatives to the second degree. The FIOM also supervises possible encounters as a result of these searches.
It concerns both adoption-related searches as well as searches of so-called fatherfinders or mothers / fathers / children who after a divorce or breakup lost contact. It also concerns searches for impregnators who were not previously aware of the existence of their (now adult) child. This is done with discretion and attention for all concerned.
In searches we distinguish between psycho-social support before, during and after completion of a search and a technical part, that is for foreign searches performed by the Department of International Social Service.
The FIOM is a national, specialised welfare organization focused on care and prevention in the areas described above. The FIOM has years of experience with questions regarding search and identity. The FIOM is authorised by the Ministry for Internal Affairs to obtain information from the municipalities as well as from the Ministry of Defence.
The assistance is free. For the technical part of a search we ask a contribution. For a national search the fee is € 55,-.
People can contact a FIOM office at their neighborhood for information, assistance or to start a search themselves. A first appointment will be made. The general phone number is +31-88-1264900.
The FIOM works from nine offices and two consultation desks. The National Office is located in Den Bosch. Other offices and locations are based in Groningen, Leeuwarden, Zwolle, Lelystad, Alkmaar, Leiden, Nijmegen, Eindhoven, Breda, Maastricht and Goes.
For more information please visit:
