Daddy soldiers
I was shaking in my seat, with the letter in my hands |
Stories -
Daddy soldiers
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
The story of veteran Bas about his daughter Rose
'A year ago I received a letter from the FIOM (organisation that helps reunite family members). My daughter was looking for me. That was a bolt from the blue. I was shaking in my seat, with the letter in my hands. Pictures and everything was in it. I was devastated. I knew everything was true, I recognized it all. It was so obvious, it was not necessary at all to ask for a DNA-test.
Stories -
Daddy soldiers
Written by Jack vd B
One day the phone rang. After answering the call, I thought, ‘so they finally found me.’ It must have been somewhere around 1979, I suppose my daughter was about 30 years old.
It was real Love with a big L |
Stories -
Daddy soldiers
Written by Louis Velleman
I was born in 1926. My mother was not a Jew, but my father was. As a child, I was sometimes abused when I walked down the street. And I was not always allowed to play with the other children. Parents used to come up to me and say: ‘Don’t you play with my little boy. You’re a Jew!’ I thought: ‘What is a Jew?’ And I had to make inquiries as to what it exactly meant.
My parents divorced when I was a year old. My mother had to work her guts out for me to bring me up in school and that. We just lived in a little attic. Two little rooms, with no electricity. The only thing we had was water. Terrible. How can a little boy grow up in a an attic?
During WW2 the Nazis classified me as a Jew and I had to wear the star, but I didn’t. I denied it. Anyway, my mother and me survived the war. Then liberation came around and it was not long after that, in 1946, that I had to go to the military service. So I became part of the Dutch Wehrmacht, the Dutch army. And I was send to Indonesia.
My wife said: that boys could be yours... |
Stories -
Daddy soldiers
Written by Annegriet Wietsma
Ten years ago I watched television with my wife, the program ‘Spoorloos’ (‘Without a trace’). We always liked watching that program. My wife made a cup of coffee in the kitchen. When she came back in the living room, there were two guys on TV, a twin of almost 50 years old, who sought their father. The boys were born in Surabaya. My wife looked at me and said: 'that boys could be yours...'. In some way or another she saw a resemblance. And then suddenly, my name appeared on screen ...
A stroll through the village |
Stories -
Daddy soldiers
Written by Henk Blom, 4e compagnie R.I. 7, 84 jaar oud
A week after he and his fiancee had broken their engagement by mail, Henk took a stroll through the streets around the barracks in Semarang. Suddenly he stood face to face with a nice girl. Less than an hour later they were together in bed in her shack.
Confession during an Indonesian meal |
Stories -
Daddy soldiers
Written by anoniem
It began with compassion for a pregnant girl who was abandoned by a soldier. But one thing led to another, and history repeated itself. Now, 60 years later, he has a hard time. He would love to get to know his abandoned daughter. But where is she?
The confession of a secret
Wat wij voor elkaar kunnen betekenen.
Sir Daddy for sale!
The documentary Sir Daddy (Tuan Papa) about warlovechildren, their fathers and their mothers is available on DVD. Order it here for only € 14.95!
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