Tuan Papa highest rated broadcasted program VPRO 2010 |
Written by redactie
Boost for the year 2010: our film Tuan Papa (Sir Daddy) about the withheld children of Dutch soldiers, fathered during the colonial war from 1946 to 1949), which was broadcasted on Dutch national channel Nederland2 on July 1st 2010, has been estimated the highest rated VPRO program of 2010 by the public (a shared first place with two other programs).
Anyone who has been involved in the creation and production of the film, thanks again for your cooperation, and a special thanks to editor Jelle Redeker, film researcher Gerard Nijssen, archival researcher Rogier Smeele and Andere Tijden (Other Times) editor Karin van den Born, for their tireless assistance and enthusiasm, and Patrick Lauwerends & Anna Montan for their beautiful, compelling title song.
And of course we thank for their efforts: Jet Homoet (Photography the Netherlands) Ratih Prebatasarih (Photography Indonesia), and Tom D'Angremond and Ludo Keeris (sound), Yanuar Sidharta, Daniel Tangkilisan and Godefridus Dijkman (interpreters Indonesia), Jan Willem Mulder and Judith Konijn (assistance), and Klink Audio (sound design and sound mix).
Wat wij voor elkaar kunnen betekenen.
Sir Daddy for sale!
The documentary Sir Daddy (Tuan Papa) about warlovechildren, their fathers and their mothers is available on DVD. Order it here for only € 14.95!
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