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Did Hendrikus (Henk) father a child?
Ingezonden dinsdag, 21 november 2017 door Annegriet Wietsma
Modified: dinsdag, 21 november 2017
Mrs. E. sent us the following post:
I was wondering if my husband may have a half brother or sister in Indonesia. Hendrikus (Henk) was a soldier in Indonesia (1-1 AAT "C" Division of December 7 1946-1949). He was born in Zuid Holland and married a Dutch girl shortly after the war. According to my Mother-In-law, a lady from Indonesia came looking for him around 1950. We never knew the story why. Both my father-in-law as my mother-in-law have since died. My husband is now thinking that maybe this Indonesian lady was looking for Hendrikus as she may have given birth or was possibly pregnant. The family immigrated to Canada in the sixties. Full names of the persons mentioned are known by the editorial office of this website WarLoveChild (Oorlogsliefdekind). |
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This work has benefited from support by the Children Born of War Project